Grant Summary:

The DDL Committee are passionate about supporting aspiring researchers in respiratory science.
This flexible grant  is intended to support new and emerging scientists by funding projects which contribute to a scientist’s career development.
The grant can support individuals from public, private and university organisations.
The requested amount needs to be justified by the project and should typically not exceed £5,000.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Applications should be focused on any area of respiratory science, specifically fostering research into drug delivery to the lungs.
  2. Applications are invited from the academic and industrial sectors.
  3. The award is open to scientists with a Ph.D. whose position will outlast the duration of the proposed research project.
  4. A scientist with a Ph.D. may support an application from a person without a Ph.D. (e.g. a Ph.D. student).
  5. Funding is intended to be flexible and the DDL Committee will consider supporting any expenditure which supports the candidate’s career development. In many cases this will be the purchase of key equipment, services not currently available to the applicant (e.g. microscopy), travel, consumables and specialist software. Salary costs may be eligible, but will need to be justified.  Overheads are not eligible.
  6. When the associated work is published it is a requirement that the applicant names the DDL Conference as a funding provider and uses the provided Career Development Logo within their publication.
  7. Applicants should be aware that details of the successful award (title, awardees and scientific summary) will be published on the DDL Conference website and social media pages.
  8. Upon completion of their project, recipients are required to provide a short project report as well as updating the DDL Committee on how the funding specifically helped their career development.
  9. Successful applicants are expected to submit their research to a future DDL Conference to present their work as a poster on completion of their research.

To apply for this grant, please follow this link: Career Development Grant Application Form


See Previously Funded Projects